TEDxPortland 2016

x = independently organized TED event

An Art Institute of Portland student run project


In choosing to do this theme, we thought about what would be something that incorporates what TED is about, and what is going on around the world, into an event that touches on many platforms and can lead to a more diverse voice to solve problems. Legacy’s theme is all about leaving behind your ideas, and works in order to benefit the next generation; to imprint yourself upon the world. In order to better the world we live in we must think in big ideas, and the footsteps that we take to get there is what others will follow in order to finish our path.


Speaker Packet

The speaker packet is a guideline from TEDx and TEDxPortland for the speakers that are asked to make a talk that inspires and is correlated with the associated theme.

The guidelines help the speaker how to operate on stage and train them to make a “talk” and not a speach.

Get your copy of the Speaker Packet.

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